Town of Hamden Recreation Department
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Vendor of Manufactured Goods or Direct Sales - Special Event Membership Register View Cart

This Vendor of Manufactured Goods or Direct Sales Membership is required in order to register to attend any of our upcoming Special Events. 

You will submit this membership registration as a "Pre-Registration Form" and a member of our team will review your uploaded Hamden Police Department Vendor Permit that is uploaded is up to date. 

Once you're approved, you will receive a confirmation email of your Membership and will have met the requirements to register for our Special Event Offerings. You will be unable to enroll for Special Events until your membership is approved.

Event Vendor
Register Membership Ages Grades Fees
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Special Event Vendor - 1 Year (Jan 1 - Dec 31)  N/A N/A $0.00 Res, $0.00 Non-Res

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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